Category: Shows

Created with Sketch.

Deinas – S’Argia

Real-time Audio-Reactive Generative Graphics. The show “Deinas,” produced by Il Crogiuolo di Cagliari, the theater company directed by Rita Atzeri, narrates the relationship between the divine and the human through myths and songs of ancient Sardinia. It is a circular story that encompasses all stages of life: birth, youth, maturity, and death. A cycle linked…
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Scripta Volant II

Graffiti virtuali per tutti!

Flowers for Algernon

Daniel Keyes’ masterpiece in a new production by the Kyber Teatro of Cagliari, staged by the actor Riccardo Lai and the New Technologies.

Suspended scenographies at the KyberTeatro.

Our experiments projecting with the Hologauze continue, in perfect Pepper Ghost style. Beware, the name can be deceiving, but don’t be fooled! They are not true holographic projections, at least not in the strictly sense of the term.

Prove tecniche di trasmissione – Spazio DOMOSC

Siamo allo Spazio DOMOSC. Il teatro è chiuso, gli attori e le attrici non possono recitare e il palco è vuoto. Non possiamo stare fermi, però, e ci mettiamo a fare esperimenti sulle scenografie virtuali. Montiamo l’Hologauze, piazziamo un paio di proiettori e giochiamo con luci ed ombre. Questa è solo la prima delle nostre…
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Sa Carrela ‘e nanti 2021: “Memoriae”

Celebratory video mapping of the traditional equestrian race of the Carnival of Santu Lussurgiu.

Workshop: “Visual Stage with TouchDesigner”

If you want to explore the world of projections, animated graphics and interactivity, with particular reference to live performances, this is your chance.

DMX and Kinect: moving lights with hands

Our system, in TouchDesigner, to dimmer and move DMX lights with the movement of the hands.


A flock of birds plays and dances above the sea, at sunset, to the music: “Turning of a key” by Michael Gettel.

I° Interactive and Immersive Championship

Saturday 11 July (from 6 to 10 pm) and Saturday 25 (at the same times) Simone, from AM Artist, will participate in the first Interactive and Immersive Championship dedicated to multimedia arts.